Color: Beige


Offering a creamy, understated elegance, Kentmere is a butteryyellow beige confection that emanates simplicity and serenity like life in the quiet English countryside.


Airy and pillowy, Fairbourne features a creamy foundation highlighted with swirls of white and light beige.


The epitome of warmth and comfort, Cuddington features a neutral beige palette sprinkled with cinnamon flecks. Neat and tidy, it epitomizes the town of Cuddington, self named as “Britain’s Best Kept Village.”


Dawn over the Scottish River Clyde is shrouded in sandy, rosy hues—the same palette that marks Clyde as a tastefully refined neutral. With a touch of class and texture, it displays sophistication with ease.

Brecon Brown

Warm browns and creams echo Wales’ towering Brecon Beacons, a mountain range that includes the highest point in southern Britain.


Soft swirls of warm cream and beige are accented with shimmering gold and crystal-white veining to create a gracious and welcoming effect.